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Projekt: 1000 ord

Teknik: 1000 ord

Kärnvärden: 500 ord

Bildbegränsning: max. fem bilder for varje kategori (komprimera gärna bilderna före uppladding)



Problem: why aren’t teens interested in having a hobby?

Vilket uppdrag ska lösas?

How to make a teen interested in having a hobby . 


Vilken information hittade ni om ert problem? 

The advantages of having a hobby are alot like when you have a hobby you can socialize with people and you can have more friends also under the time that you are doing your hobby you will get energy and become flexible and when you are doing it you will be happy and the good thing with having a hobby is that when you are bored you can do the hobby and you will feel better. There is alot of advantages and disadvantages of social media . The advantages are that we can get news on social media and we can communicate with each other on social media and if we are bored , having a bad day or have free time it can make the day better . The disadvanges are that you can see bad things on social media but the most thing that is happening now is bullying on social media and that means that a person is getting bullied on social media for the way they look , the way they do there hobbies and even the country that they come from . Perhaps i forgot to mention that a lot of kids on social media are not being intrested  in doing a hobby because they  see person that is better then them . Also we asked people “what attracts them to a hobby ” most of them said that it is for there health and some said for money . 


Vilka processer använde ni när ni utformade projektlösningen?

We interviewed people and we used mind maps and worked as a team  also we asked each other questions to know how to start with our work. So when we interviewed people most of them were teachers and the rest were students and some people said that they do it for health reasons and some said to get better or to socialize and communicate with people also some said for money . For mind maps we  used to write the idea and all the information that we have about it . As working as a team we always used to add to each others ideas and help each other to find the best idea and it was so fun .

Slutlösning: to create an app . 

Vilken lösning valde ni att presentera?

The app is about sharing your hobbies and also that parents can pay per  month so that a person that the company can hire people that are over 18 that can be kind of a mentor that can come with the kid to do the hobby and help them to get better . Some parents are scared about there children going by there self to do the hobby so this mentor appp can help them so they dont get scared to send there child . We can spread about the app by newspapers , social media like TikTok , facebook , instagram  and Snapchat .also , we can do a event that people come and when they come they will have something in return but they will notice the app and we think that a lot of people would be interested about it . It is good to have a mentor so that the kid fell safe while he or she is out and they will know anything about the hobby they want  to have with the mentor . 


Vilka begränsningar har er lösning?

We think that the percentage of it working is about 90 percent 


Vem delade ni er lösning med? Har ni delat lösningen med någon som skulle kunna dra nytta av den?

Källor: we took informations from our teachers in school , our classmates , parents , siblings and our teknik teachers . We also did some research about what will attract people to  have a hobby . 

Detta kan omfatta tryckta och digitala resurser samt information från en expert. 



Robotens funktioner:

Hvilken är er favorit? The arm because it is big it does everything.  

Vilken funktion är mest innovativ? The central piece because its without it we couldn’t use the robot and make it work .it is a yellow box with a screen on top which shows us the programs that we’ve done and it has a bottom to open then robot 



Beskriv robotens olika verktyg och deras syften.

Arm number 2 : it helps to move and get done objectives  and it makes us done with project number 1,2 and 3 . The second hand was specially designed the app spike and our builder made a specially designed thing for the second arm to hit smaller things .


Vilka motorer finns på roboten? 4 motors . 2 for the wheels  and 1 for the arm . 1 for the extra arm  that is in the back 

Vad har de for syfte?  For the wheel motors it makes the wheels turn forward and backwards , the wheels are round and big we did them big so the robot goes faster  .the arm motor make the arms go up and down . The arm is special designed by the app same with the other arm but we designed the tip of arm to hit smaller surfaces for the objects .  It is the most used thing in the robot  without the arm we can’t pick up things , drag things ,We designed the tip to be bigger for the smaller objects . 



Beskriv kortfattat er strategi på robotbanan.

We take the most easy way to get to the objects and for the strategy it takes 15 seconds to get done with 1 project with the help of our strategy 



Hur många program använder ni? Vilket program är ni mest nöjda med?

 We used 6 programs  and a half . The  first  program that we are gonna use in the match is program 0 which is the boat . The boat is really easy to get done because the only thing you need is 1 lego peace and our number 1 arm . 

Program 1 : it has 2 objectives that we are currently done with . The dragon and the   scene changer took us 2 days . The dragon is the coolest one because it is 3D and it looks like a cenima 

Program 2 :  MO3 it took us 1 day . There is a purple lego man standing on a piece of lego brick and there is 3 walls around it . Our idea is that we took the second arm and puted in between the walls and pulled the arm down . 

Program 3 : M07. The M07 is the pink man that is on the stage and you need to push the orange thing on the bottom so you can around and if you dont push it the people can’t see it . 

Program 4 :M13 or the pizza box  . It is easy because you just need to push it and pull the thing that is covering the pizza .

Program 5 : M05 or the flower that was the most difficult one and it took us 2 days to make . The blue flower are pretty fragile and breaks immediately and the thing you need to do to open the flower pettels are the orange lever that you need to pull .




Beskriv hur ni har arbetat med de olika kärnvärdena:


Upptäcka :  we have discovered how different people view hobbies differently by talking to people even outside our working group to get the best result possible . In the robot we discovered different ways to approach a problem . We discovered that the  obvious root is not always the best root to take . Sometime the longer root is the better root to take because it is better than the short root . 

Innovation : we asked around the school about the hobbies . 

Påverkan :   It effected us many ways like it made us more interested in hobbies and also made us smarter because we knew more about robots 

Inkluderande : we included everyone together in our work by cutting and gluing writing the ducument and the robot work even the problem and solution work we all asked asked each other for advise and if the ideas were good . 

Samarbete : in the problem and solutions we went and asked around together we even used our free time to come like one day we skipped our lessons to work . For the robot work we were working as a team all the time like when the problem and solution need help the robot team help and when the robot team needs help the problem and solution help .

Skoj : it was so fun specially when we used meditate for 5 minutes and when teachers used to joke around  even though that there was some fights it was still fun .


Reflektera över er egen insats och kommentera vad som har varit bra och vad som kunde ha gjorts bättre eller på annat sätt.



What we did good is that we worked as a team but the things that we shouldn’t have done was fights but that still didn’t effect our work . Also for the good stuff is that we used them mind map way which is  that we wrote the problem in a circle and then we wrote everything we know about the problem .